About Lynne
For the past ten years I have worked as an independent art historian with a busy freelance schedule.
I give talks, lectures, courses and guided tours to a wide range of organisations around the UK and abroad, including ARCA colleges, art galleries and museums, art societies, the Art Fund, the National Trust and The Arts Society (formerly NADFAS).
I also contribute educational material and gallery talks to exhibitions organised by institutions including The National Gallery, Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, The Whitworth Art Gallery and The Lady Lever Art Gallery.
Lecturing experience includes art history courses for Bristol and Sussex Universities, university life-long learning summer schools in art history and painting, teaching in schools and sixth form colleges, and painting, drawing and printmaking courses in art colleges.
Whilst I have prioritised art history over recent years, previously I have worked professionally as an etcher and a painter in oils. Solo and group exhibitions have included the RWA, the British Museum, the Guild Gallery in Bristol and London's Barbican. Work is held in private and public collections and has been used in a range of publications, including newspapers, periodicals and for book covers.
My first degree was in Fine Art and Education, my MA was in 'Language, The Arts and Education' led by Professor Peter Abbs (both The University of Sussex). My interests always have encompassed art history, theory and art making.
The conventional discipline of art history, with its specialization in periods and artist's oeuvres, did not appeal to me. I found it too limiting. Rather, how we view, understand and enjoy art in its stylistic, historical and social context is my overriding concern. I have been most fortunate throughout my career in being able to pursue my interests and share them with others.